Wonder by R.J. Palacio is a novel that tells the story of a young boy named August who is born with a facial deformity. Despite the challenges he faces, August is determined to attend a mainstream school and make friends. ...
Wonder by R.J. Palacio is a novel that tells the story of a young boy named August who is born with a facial deformity. Despite the challenges he faces, August is determined to attend a mainstream school and make friends. ...
R.J. Palacio’s Wonder abounds with important and profound themes for students to identify, reflect on, discuss, and write about. Here are three major themes from Wonder to explore with your class: The Power of Kindness In Wonder, the power of ...
Good discussion is the heart of any English class, and Wonder by R.J. Palacio provides so much rich material for students to reflect on and discuss. The questions below can be used to initiate discussion in small groups, or as ...
RJ Palacio’s Wonder is a phenomenal novel to teach, both for the strength of its story, as well as for the importance of the themes and lessons contained within. The articles, websites, and videos listed below will help further your ...
Point of view is the perspective a story is written from. In R.J. Palacio’s Wonder, the point of view shifts several times to show you the same events from different perspectives. In Wonder, we hear from August, Via, Jack, Summer, ...
This blog includes several resources to help you get started teaching Wonder by R.J. Palacio, but if you really want to save yourself time and effort, and give your students the best possible experience with this fantastic novel, you need ...
Use full sentences and write more than the minimum when answering questions and filling in charts. Explain yourself, and write about specific events in the story and in your life. Part One – August Ordinary What do you think it ...