Part One Questions for Wonder by R.J. Palacio

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Use full sentences and write more than the minimum when answering questions and filling in charts.  Explain yourself, and write about specific events in the story and in your life.

Part One – August


What do you think it means to be “ordinary”?

If you could have one wish, what would it be? (No wishing for more wishes!)

What would August wish for?

What makes August extraordinary?

How I came to Life

Who is “Doogie Howser”? (Use the internet to find out.)

Use the chart below to list some advantages and disadvantages to home schooling:




Would you send August to school if you were his mom or dad?  Explain why or why not.

Are “white lies” okay?  Explain.

PUN – A pun occurs when a word or phrase has a double meaning

Find two puns in the chapter titled “Driving”:

1) _________________________________________________________________

2) _________________________________________________________________

Paging Mr. Tushman

Describe Mr. Tushman.  What does he look like?  What do we know about his personality?

Jack Will, Julian, Charlotte

Who is Mr. T? (Use the internet to find out.)

Fill in the chart below with your first impressions of the kids who show August around.  What do you think about them?  What do you know about them based on their words and actions?

Use point form.

 First Impressions

SIMILE – A simile occurs when something is described with a direct comparison using the word ‘like’ or ‘as’.  Example: Life is like a rollercoaster.

Lamb to the Slaughter

How is August like a “lamb to the slaughter” on his first day of school?

Choose Kind

PRECEPT – A precept is a general rule intended to regulate behavior.

 “Mr. Browne’s September Precept: When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.”

Do you agree with this precept?  Explain. Provide an example where it would be true or untrue.

School Pictures

August says he has an “aversion” to getting his picture taken.  Use a dictionary to find a definition for the word aversion.

Aversion = ___________________________________________________________

What is something you have an aversion to?

I have an aversion to ___________________________________________________.

The Bleeding Scream

Did your opinion of Jack Will change after August overheard him talking to Julian?  Explain.